Thursday, October 8, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Clouds over the Capital

[click to enlarge]

A recent photo of the Minnesota State Capital in St. Paul, MN. The building exterior is way more impressive than most of the politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists working inside.

For more Skywatch Friday photos, click Here.


  1. I think that could be said for most capital buildings. Nice capture.

  2. the thick cloud hovering over that magnificent building adds a certain mystery to the photo. my skywatch is up too.

  3. I believe you found a good part of the source of global warming. There's a lot of hot air in that building.

  4. I love capitol buildings. I'd love to photograph each one, but since that's most likely not going to happen it's nice to see pictures like this. Great looking sky behind an awesome building.
    Great job!

  5. That's truly a gorgeous building! You made an universal statement. Unfortunately, it is worldwide the same.

  6. Beautiful shot and wonderful skywatch photo.
